Sunday 26 May 2013



In Vastu Shastra, directions play a very important role in our life. Sleep is an important aspect of our good health and stress free living. Vastu  is based on cosmic energy from the planetary movements.  

During the sleep our head should never be towards the NORTH. The magnetic fields of earth are in North-South directions and our head is considered as North. If we sleep head towards North the magnetic repulsion between similar poles occurs which causes disturbed sleep and illnesses.


The head towards SOUTH direction while sleeping is highly recommended in vastu shastra as magnetic attraction between earth's pole and human body waves occur. This position enhances blood circulation in our body.


Sleeping with our head towards EAST is usually advised for children. This improves concentration and enhances memory. It also increases knowledge of the children. This direction is also a good direction for sound sleep.


Sleeping with head towards WEST is not a very advisable direction. This may cause disturbed sleep due to nightmares. This position is recommended only during the journey. Also it is good for people who are not meant to stay permanently in the house, like guests.

As per above discussion sleeping with head towards

1. SOUTH DIRECTION --First preference in vastu shastra
2. EAST DIRECTION --Second preference in vastu shastra
3. WEST DIRECTION --Third preference in vastu shastra
4. NORTH DIRECTION--Not recommended in vastu shastra

Monday 20 May 2013



The word vastu means 'dwelling' in Sanskrit. It is the science of directions. The human life is affected by vastu of his place of residence and his work place in the similar way as it is affected by stars and planets position at the time of birth and during his life. This position of stars and planets have good effects and ill effects on us during our life. Similarly living in vastu-friendly house gives us prosperous and happy life and living in vastu defected house makes our life difficult.

Every house or plot whether it is big or small contains a vastu purush. The position of vastu purush according to directions in a house as under

There are eight vastu directions

East -            direction of education
North East- direction of religions luck faith
South East  - direction of Energy
South-          direction of Yama or Death
South West- direction of opportunities
North-          direction of wealth & prosperity
West -           direction of stability 
North West- direction of expenses

The principle Lords of each direction are:

Sunday 19 May 2013

Astrology Basics- Planets and their Significance

There are total 12 planets or 'grahas' in astrology. They are:

Planets English NamesPlanets Hindu Names
MarsMangal, Kuja, Kartikeya
North NodeRahu
South NodeKetu

There are 12 zodiac signs or 'rashi'  and their Lord or Bhavesh are as follows:

Significance of different planets


Astrology Basics- Basic Vedic Chart

There are 12 zodiac signs and each sign is assigned one house.

This is a basic Vedic chart

1. The First House

Also called the house of self, this house is known as Ascendant or Lagna and the lord of this house is called Lagnesh. This is the most important house in the chart and represents physical stature, life, health, longevity, complexion, appearance, gains and profits in life . It governs head and face of our body.

2. The Second House

This house is also called the house of wealth. It represents inflow of finance, fortune, power, material achievements, bank position, jewellery, shares and all money matters. It also represents right eye, throat, understanding with family members, inheritance and all material comforts in general.

3. The Third House

Also known as the house of courage and siblings, this house represents courage, mental intellect, education, interest in writing, short travels, communications & transport, agreements and rumors  Relations with brothers and sisters are governed with this house. It governs right ear, arms, shoulders and nervous system.

4. The Fourth House

This is the house of mother and pleasures. It represents mother, property, conveyance, domestic environment, private affairs, agriculture land, ancestral properties and hidden treasures. The body parts affected by this house are breasts, chest, lungs, stomach and elbow joints.

5. The Fifth House

This house is the house of progeny, romance and competition. Children, artistic talents, entertainment, legal or illegal amusements, excelling in competitive activities like chess, cards, crosswords or betting, love affairs, good or bad morals, religious inclinations and spiritual practices are signified by this house. The body parts governed by this house are belly, spleen, heart and liver.

6. The Sixth House

This house is the house of enemy and diseases. It is responsible for enemies, health, subordinates or servants, debts, obstacles in life, relations on father's side, jealousy and mental worries. The body parts governed by this house are kidney, large intestine, uterus and anus.

7. The Seventh House

This is the house of marriage and partnerships. Matters regarding spouse, partnerships, external sex organs, conjugal happiness, legal bondage, partners in business and success and reputation in foreign travels are governed by this house. Body parts governed by this House are private parts, uterus and glands.

8. The Eighth House

This is the house of accidents and death. Diseases, death and span of life, finances through unfair means, insurance, misery, misfortune, sorrow, disgrace, mental pain, obstacles, imprisonment and gain from in-laws are represented by this house. The body parts governed by this house are scrotum, pelvis, internal sex organs.

9. The Ninth House

This is the house of fate and fortunes. This house indicates religion, luck, faith, wisdom, philosophy, divine worship and pilgrimage, air and sea travel, publicity, higher educations, prosperity, power of foresight, dreams and visions, fortune and providential help. This house governs hips and thighs.

10. The Tenth House

This is the house of profession. It indicates father, profession, status in life, pleasures, honor, power and prestige, dignity, public esteem, respect and fame, ambition, job permanency  promotion, Government favors  adopted son and political powers. This house governs knees, joints, bones, hair and back.

11. The Eleventh House

This is the house of casual incomes and gains. It accounts for accumulated wealth, elder siblings, friends, society, community, ambitions and their fulfillment, incoming wealth, recovery from illness, dawn of fortune, success in undertakings, emotional attachments and social success. It governs legs, left ear and ankle.

12. The Twelfth House

This is the house of expenses and losses. This house signifies secret enemies, secret works, losses and impediments, wastage and extravagance, deception, misery and misfortune, charity, involvement in scandals, disgrace and insults, extra-marital relations, debts, sorrows and lost goods. The body parts governed by this house are feet, left eye, left ear and teeth